The wood I've got here is Florida Bur Oak ( The Bur Oak is a member of the White Oak family of Oak trees that grow in Florida, this particular Bur Oak was cut down because it was so large that it was getting into my neighbors driveway. The wood that comes from the Bur Oak varies quite dramatically as you can see from the pictures below. Even though oak wood is hardwood, I stabilize any wood that will accept the process so it will be more durable and will retain its natural color. The first photo is spalted and is part of the Sap wood.
The second photo is is a 2 piece handle construction with the Bur Oak for the main part of the handle and a piece of Florida Pecan as the bolster. This piece of Bur Oak comes from the area of the wood as it transitions from the sap wood to the heartwood.
The heartwood of the Bur Oak has a soft brown color that is very pleasing to the eye. there are areas of the heartwood that are much lighter un color but I choose not to use them. the following photo is a great example of the soft brown portions of the heart wood.
Florida Bur Oak is a very popular tree that can and does provide shade for homes, roadways, parks, and even your neighbors, it also provides lumber for furniture and structural building projects, I prefer using it to make knife handles....